Scheda quesito
- Nickame:
- aureliorm
- Data:
- 22/06/2005
- Quesito:
- Egr. Dr.
Ho letto, la vostra posizione sul "periodo finestra", scusatemi però se i dubbi sui test rimangono.
La FDA ha approvato l' uso di test di 4 generazione su sangue plasma tessuti organi.
Nel caso del Virus HIV - come pubblicamente dichiarato da uno dei produttori - questo test è attendibile a 15 giorni; non credo che la FDA ritenga i test su sangue da trafusione meno importanti dei test fatti dai singoli cittadini, a questo punto non capisco assolutamente cosa serve aspettare se bastano 15 giorni ??????????????????????
- Risposta di :
- Gentile Aureliorm,
le linee guida dei CDC reperibili all'indirizzo citno quanto segue:
Single Possible or Known Exposure
Most infected persons will develop detectable HIV antibody within 3 months of exposure (126). If the initial negative HIV test was conducted within the first 3 months after exposure, repeat testing should be considered >3 months after the exposure occurred to account for the possibility of a false-negative result. If the follow-up test is nonreactive, the client is likely not HIV-infected. However, if the client was exposed to a known HIV-infected person or if provider or client concern remains, a second repeat test might be considered >6 months from the exposure. Rare cases of seroconversion 6--12 months after known exposure have been reported (134). Extended follow-up testing beyond 6 months after exposure to account for possible delayed seroconversion is not generally recommended and should be based on clinical judgment and individual clients needs (54).
Ongoing Exposure
Persons with continued HIV risk behavior pose a special challenge for follow-up testing. In some settings, clients with ongoing risk represent a substantial proportion of those receiving HIV CTR. In most circumstances, follow-up HIV testing should be recommended periodically for clients with ongoing risk behavior. Follow-up testing would monitor the client's HIV status, but also promote continued client contact, opportunities for HIV prevention counseling (see Additional Counseling Considerations for Special Situations), and referral to additional preventive and support services.
Cordiali saluti
Dr. G. Guaraldi